Lee is headed to Illinois

Elizabeth has sold her bull and he’s headed to southern Illinois. We took the opportunity to visit with Christopher M., the buyer, and his father. Christopher is a young farmer and commercial cattleman with a focus on grass-based, medium framed stock production. He shared his practical ideas and cautious plans with us and, after listening to him, Don and I agreed that he’s a savvy 23 year old.

While in the chute…

Back in July, we vaccinated the bulls in advance of the coming breeding season. We vaccinate at least 30 days in advance of bull turn out to avoid the vaccine reducing semen quality. While in the chute, we measured each bull and did a general look over. This information was documented and will be used for comparisons among the herd and future generations.

Some measurements include the top line, heart girth, flank circumference, rump width and length, shoulder width and frame score. A few attributes we look for are outward signs of a properly functioning gland system, conformation, disposition and gender specific traits. The final deduction… Yup, they’re good bulls.

Calving season has come and gone

Calving season has come and gone and it looks like the Bryans are in the bull business again. Just as last year, we have all bull calves with the exception of one heifer. This is the first year that we have calved through triple digit temperatures, however the girls are tough and are keeping good condition through the stress of heat and nursing their new calves.

We’ll register these calves as 100% purebred, category 1A breeding stock. As part of the registration process, each calf has to be weighed and that weight recorded with the RAAA. We have our weighing process down to a science. I stand on the bathroom scale and Don puts the calf in my arms. This year’s calf crop averaged 68 pounds.

Bull for sale


ERB Lee 1001 is our daughter’s bull. He is a two year old, virgin bull that we have been keeping in reserve for our own use. Born and raised on our farm, his diet consists of grass and a mineral supplement. ERB Lee 1001 has been fertility tested by the University of Missouri – Columbia and is current on his vaccinations. We recently assessed our bulls and took several measurements which we’ll share with anyone interested. Registration #1411826. Actual birth weight: 76 lbs. Actual weaning weight: 592 lbs. Frame score: Medium with a rump height of 51.5 inches. Price:$2,000

Peaches into pie filling

Elizabeth and I have finished turning nearly a bushel of peaches into pie filling. Each Wednesday in July, the Amish community near our farm sells peaches along with their usual variety of produce. These peaches are grown right here in our home state of Missouri. This year I purchased about three bushel to put up for the year to come and for pie filling. Years back, Elizabeth’s great grandmother and I started peeling peaches, one thing lead to another and we came up with our own simple recipe for peach pie filling. It’s tasty any time, however my favorite time of the year to bake pies and crisps is the Fall. The smell is just as delicious as the flavor and gives me a rewarding feeling as I think back to our summer efforts and how they benefit us in the months to come. I’m sharing the recipe below. With the exception of the peaches, I bet you have all the ingredients in your pantry.

Peach Pie Filling Recipe

6 cups fresh, sliced peaches

1 cup sugar

3 Tbls. flour

½ tsp. Cinnamon

Stir together and use with your favorite crisp topping, in a pie or served warm over ice cream.

Fewer flies

I’ve noticed considerably fewer flies on the cattle this season and am trying to pin point the reason. I’ve narrowed it down to these few. We’ve changed our salt mix to a custom blend that includes vinegar and garlic. As the cattle sweat they secrete these components which are distasteful to flies. The triple digit temperatures and lack of precipitation are drying out the cow patties much faster than the normal 80 degree temperatures would. And, the cattle are in good health. Don and I began to wonder if other cattle folks were having the same experience of fewer flies so Don asked a few that he works with. Their response – lots of flies. This might eliminate the theory of the patties drying out faster.

Several years ago, we stopped using traditional commercial pesticides for fly control. We believe it affects the health of our animals and the health of the land. Think about it. Commercial pesticides can absorb into the the largest organ of the bovine body, the skin. Where do the pesticides go from there? Passively enter tissue and then metabolize out. Most likely, if the animal is healthy. Before I continue though, let me add that we all have our own way of managing our herds and I am not criticizing anyone who responsibly uses commercial products. That being said, we tried natural topical products. Some were outright disappointing and others worked but only for a few days. Then we had the opportunity to hear a couple of cattlemen speak about combating flies from the inside out; hence the custom salt mix offered along side of the mineral mix. Not having to corral the cattle to be sprayed is an added benefit.

Getting back to the health of the land, we now have noticeably more beneficial insects like dung beetles, birds, turkey flocks, bees and butterflies. Most likely because we have eliminated pesticides from our health management program. And what do birds and turkeys eat? Flies among other things.

The weather has taken control

The weather has taken control of my daily schedule. Today marks day 8 with temperatures in the triple digits and heat advisories; the same is forecasted through the weekend. I feel like I need to wipe my brow just thinking about it. So, instead of drinking coffee and reading my favorite trade magazines, the sun and I rise and go directly to the garden right off. I’ve been watering the garden since the end of May which means some weeds are growing right along with the produce that needs to be picked. Luckily my melon plants are growing well and their leaves are shading about one fourth of the garden. That leaves only three fourths to be weeded. I’m mentally wiping my brow again.

The temperatures might dictate when I do outside chores, however the extra daylight hours that summer brings are still allowing me to get extra summer chores and projects done. I love summer no matter how hot it gets and enjoy opportunities to be outside. As you read this I hope you are having a great day and enjoying every minute of it.

Showing bulls

Earlier today, at 3:35 pm to be exact, with the hot sun reflecting off brittle forage, the thermometer reading 98 degrees and not enough breeze to carry a sigh, Don and I were out showing bulls. That’s okay we us. We appreciate the opportunity to show folks the stock we have available and to visit with them about their cattle operations to determine what their needs are. Sometimes we don’t even have to ask questions. We just listen to our potential customers and they let us know. Take this gentleman for instance. He is looking for a bull that doesn’t “put up his head and run when he sees strangers”. And “I like to look at the width of the head and shoulders” as well as “I need a bull to bred about 20 cows right now”. We also gleaned that he wants to keep his herd red as opposed to black, likes a bull raised on grass and is trying to back his cows up a month for calving. So, we showed him our daughter’s two year old. This cattleman will call us in a couple of days with his decision. He is interested, however we aren’t the only Red Angus breeders in Missouri. Either way, its a win situation. If we get the sale great. If not, through face-to-face contact, we know that we’re breeding cattle that cow-calf producers are looking for.

Above I mentioned brittle forage. The pasture where the bulls are running will be a test for the younger ones. To extend our on-farm forage, we put the bulls on rented land. This land was indiscriminately grazed then hayed for a few years.

16 tomato plants

Our local hardware store has substantially marked down their vegetable plants. I now own 16 tomato plants. Its a little late in the growing season, however if I can harvest $2 worth of tomatoes, I’ll be ahead.


Gate handles made of wood and floating gardens

We visited Polyface Farms earlier this month. I always read Joel Salatin’s articles in the Stockman with great interest, therefore I was looking forward to touring his farm. Interesting and inspiring. Much has been said and noted about the practices at Polyface so I’ll touch on a few things I noticed beyond the portable chicken wagons, bee hives, grazing layout, land use, assorted animals, green houses, etc.

First of all, the electric gate handles were made of wood. To me, this means that good use is made of resources on hand and actually, this was a theme I saw as I walked around. I like to scavenge, reuse and repurpose and I was inspired by other ideas I saw as well. Here on our farm, Don and I have turned some of our standing timber into a corral and along with some salvaged tin, have made loafing shelters. They aren’t pretty or even square for that matter, but they’re functional and that’s what matters. We also use the cedar trees for perimeter fencing. Anyway, upon returning home I started looking around. What else can we recycle, reuse or repurpose to our benefit and profit? Right now my eye is on the 1949 Ford tractor just sitting behind the garage.

I also found the floating garden interesting. Of course you probably can’t plant enough food to feed the entire family for a year, however some extra vegetables that you don’t have to water would be good. We have small pond here on the farm, not far away from the yard area and right now I’m watering the garden weekly due to a lack of rain. Hmmm.

WordPress theme: BryanRedAngus