Elizabeth has sold her bull and he’s headed to southern Illinois. We took the opportunity to visit with Christopher M., the buyer, and his father. Christopher is a young farmer and commercial cattleman with a focus on grass-based, medium framed stock production. He shared his practical ideas and cautious plans with us and, after listening to him, Don and I agreed that he’s a savvy 23 year old.
While in the chute…
Back in July, we vaccinated the bulls in advance of the coming breeding season. We vaccinate at least 30 days in advance of bull turn out to avoid the vaccine reducing semen quality. While in the chute, we measured each bull and did a general look over. This information was documented and will be used for comparisons among the herd and future generations.
Some measurements include the top line, heart girth, flank circumference, rump width and length, shoulder width and frame score. A few attributes we look for are outward signs of a properly functioning gland system, conformation, disposition and gender specific traits. The final deduction… Yup, they’re good bulls.