The weather has taken control

The weather has taken control of my daily schedule. Today marks day 8 with temperatures in the triple digits and heat advisories; the same is forecasted through the weekend. I feel like I need to wipe my brow just thinking about it. So, instead of drinking coffee and reading my favorite trade magazines, the sun and I rise and go directly to the garden right off. I’ve been watering the garden since the end of May which means some weeds are growing right along with the produce that needs to be picked. Luckily my melon plants are growing well and their leaves are shading about one fourth of the garden. That leaves only three fourths to be weeded. I’m mentally wiping my brow again.

The temperatures might dictate when I do outside chores, however the extra daylight hours that summer brings are still allowing me to get extra summer chores and projects done. I love summer no matter how hot it gets and enjoy opportunities to be outside. As you read this I hope you are having a great day and enjoying every minute of it.

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