I have a confession

I have a confession to make. My skills are lacking when it comes to pruning and training our blackberry plants. It seems that the brambles grow faster and faster each year. I usually end up bending them around in large loops and tying them to the trellis. You know what? … Continue reading

Baling the yard

Most folks mow their lawns to make attractive landscaping for their home. Don, however, mowed ours with the intent of raking and baling the grass. Our yard area is roughly two acres and looks really nice when mowed to an even height, however about five years ago when gas prices … Continue reading

Parasite Control

We were recently contacted by an upstate South Carolina rancher about our use of Ecto-phyte and Neem oil for external parasite control. He asked what type of oil we mix with the Ecto-phyte and water, do we mix Neem oil and Ecto-phyte together, do we rotate the use of these … Continue reading

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