Hands in the dirt

Garden planted – check.  A coworker once told me, “You just can’t wait to get your hands in the dirt”.  Its true.  I look forward to planting the garden each year.  I usually plant produce that bears a lot, such as cantaloupe.  My parents and grandparents always planted plenty to … Continue reading

Looking for earthworm poo

At five o’clock Saturday afternoon I was kneeling in Dennis McDonald’s pasture looking for, and at, earthworm castings.  This was just part of a farm walk sponsored by the Green Hills Farm Project.  Interesting stuff really.  Dennis started by giving an overview of his grazing and cattle management program then … Continue reading

Cowbirds are trailing the herd

The Brown-headed Cowbirds are back and trailing our small herd.  I have mixed feelings about their presence though.  Cowbirds are small blackbirds with brown heads, which walk the ground among grazing cattle, to forage on insects, beetles, spiders and seeds among other things.  They can have all the flies they … Continue reading

Well, darn it…

We received a letter from our milk supplier yesterday; he is retiring from his farm-based dairy business.  Darn it.  I can’t recall how long we’ve been buying raw milk from Sam, however it’s been awhile.  Sam is a local, honest, reliable business man, and we appreciate the service he gave … Continue reading

It’s official

Grazing season officially started today.  Our daughter and I set up the first lot.  I did something a little different in this area as opposed to last year.  By running an extra polywire through the a small area of our woods, I hope to extend the grazing time by a … Continue reading

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