Bull Turn In

It’s herd bull turn-in time. To control our calving season, the herd bull runs with the cows from August until the first calf is born the following year in May. We are strict about calving from mid-May to no later than mid-July. So far, this plan has worked well. We don’t take the bull out after only a few months, allowing us to just have one cattle herd to move. Young bulls and heifers are advertised and sold prior to bull turn in.

Calving in May allows the expecting mama cows to graze the fresh Spring forage, then calve in cool Spring temperatures. Low stress. Some cattlemen might voice a concern about Spring rains. Typically, this isn’t a problem. Even during the calving season, the cattle are moved daily to a new grazing lot, therefore, there is little to no chance of calves being exposed to mud or mucky areas.

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