Brown pastures and a win-win situation

Our green pastures are turning brown. April saw a few drops of rain, however May and June, to date, have been bone dry. Couple this with last year’s drought and it could mean hard times for mid-Missouri grazers. Don and I have done some preparing though. We are grazing more wooded areas, being more judicious about lot sizes and in early May, we made arrangements to rent pasture for the bulls.

Renting pasture is new to Don and I so we are taking small steps. I believe, however, that this will be a win-win situation for us and the lessor. First of all, we can hold off feeding hay which also includes the expense of purchasing it and the time and expense of feeding the bales. For us, the stock can be transported to the food source cheaper than the food source be transported to the stock. The win for the lessor is that his pasture land will get some improvement through managed grazing after years of no stable management practices. Joe told us about the land’s use on the day Don and I went to walk it and determine if we could use it. I was glad to hear that he would like to make better use of his pasture. Its disappointing to see land lose its nutrient values or become overgrown, but that’s another blog for another time.

Back to feeding hay… Don and I have decided to purchase more hay than we have in the past as opposed to baling our own fields. Our plan is to create more stockpile and rejuvenate those hay fields with hoof traffic and cow pies.


What? You can do that?

We recently dined with friends and among the many conversations, they asked how often we were bringing a new bull into the mix. “Well, not very often”, we replied. “In fact, we are taking a stab at producing our own bulls.” Their reply, “What? You can do that?”

I believe we can. We hold bulls back similar to the way we hold back heifers. Depending on the bull calf crop, one bull is chosen to bred the cows, one is held in reserve and the rest are sold. Its easier said than done though. Thought, planning and discretion must be used and heifers from some matings aren’t kept. The program gets complicated as we assess each animal, male and female, to determine who the stud bull will be and which offspring will be kept. One result we plan to achieve is to raise bulls that do well in our grass-based program and mostly fescue environment.

Don and I are members of the American Herbataurus Society and we read quit a bit of Gerald Fry’s information. Below is an excerpt from the Society’s site about linebreeding as opposed to inbreeding. We won’t hesitate though to bring genetics on the farm to further our focus of producing quality breeding stock.

Linebreeding is a system of mating in which the relationship of an animal or animals is kept as close as possible to some ancestor in the pedigree. The ancestor is usually a male rather than a female, because the male produces many more descendants than a female and this allows a greater opportunity to prove merit by means of a progeny test.

Linebreeding is a special form of inbreeding but differs from inbreeding because inbreeding itself is a system of mating, which related parents are mated with no particular attempt to increase the relationship of the offspring to any particular ancestor in the pedigree.

The genetic effects of linebreeding are the same as inbreeding. Linebreeding tends to make the pairs of genes carried in the heterozygous condition in the ancestor more homozygous in the linebred offspring. In addition, linebreeding increases the probability that the linebred offspring will possess the same genes at the ancestor to which linebreeding is directed. If the ancestor possessed many desirable genes, the offspring are more likely to possess these same desirable genes. If he possessed detrimental recessive genes in the heterozygous state, the offspring are more likely to possess those as well. Linebreeding will bring some of these recessive genes together in the homozygous state in some offspring. This serves to emphasize the importance of linebreeding to an ancestor that is superior genetically and carries a minimum of detrimental recessive genes. Accurate and adequate progeny tests help to identify such individuals.

Linebreeding is often looked upon with favor by breeders, but inbreeding is not, probably because linebreeding is not so intense and when it is used, the inheritance of truly outstanding animals is concentrated in the pedigree.

As a general rule, a sire is not mated to his own daughters when linebreeding is practiced, but half-sib matings are made among the offspring of this particular sire. Mating a sire to his daughters can and will concentrate his favorable qualities on those offspring, but care must be exercised to identify detrimental traits and rigid culling practiced to stop regression.

There are different systems of linebreeding that are done according to kinship of the animals being mated and they are all practiced with the main objective of

concentrating genes of a particular ancestor in the herd or flock. Any linebreeding program requires a planned, systematic mating schedule. If practiced for a long period of time, linebreeding sooner or later must be directed through one or more of the ancestor’s sons or other descendants.

A word of caution about linebreeding is appropriate. It will be most successful when used by breeders who recognize its potentialities and its limitations and by those who have made a detailed study of the principles of breeding. Even in these instances, success will depend upon the breeder’s ability to find and recognize individuals of outstanding merit. Nevertheless, the industry could and should make more use if this system than it has in recent years.” ~ Gerald Fry

Her future will be spent on the grill

Recently someone said to me, “Why don’t you just breed her and take her to the sale barn? You’ll get more for her.” Well, that’s true but let me give some background information on the cow numbered 806; she’s being culled because she didn’t bred back during the set breeding season. She was giving all she had to the calf by her side and didn’t have the energy to bred back. That calf has since been weaned from her and she has put on weight and she would probably settle, however when its time to bred back and she has a calf by her side again, she won’t settle. Don and I believe that cows like this don’t belong in the breeding stock side of the industry. The consequences of selling her as such are obvious. The sale barn would get negative publicity for customers who sell junk and the buyer would experience frustration and lost revenues. Being only three years of age, she would typically have several years ahead of her but alas, her future will be spent on the grill.

Blessed in 20 seconds

Our farm truck rarely leaves the farm. Usually its only to fuel it up for use on the farm. Hence the term farm truck. Anyway, that’s why I was out and about in the burgundy beast this afternoon and this is when my blessings started stacking up.

The truck died right in front of the fuel pump, would turn over but not start. Thank goodness. I could have been stranded anywhere along the 20 mile trip. Our 16 year old was home to answer my call for help and quickly found her dad who was only a few miles away helping a neighbor plant corn. We just got a second cellular phone for the four of us to share as opposed the just one that we had been shuffling among us. As I waited for Don to call, a stranger offered help. When Don did call me, about 15 minutes later, he said, “Sounds like you ran out of diesel. Hold the accelerator down for 20 seconds as you turn the ignition.” It worked. God truly blessed me this day right down to 20 seconds of time. Any number of things could have been wrong with the old girl. Don has replaced the starter along the road at least a dozen times. I should add that God has also blessed us with a lifetime warranty on the first replacement starter.

Shedding nicely, heavy with calf

The girls are shedding out nicely and are heavy with calf.  We manage our breeding season to calve within a sixty-day time frame and when the available forage supply is of good quality.  During this time leading up to calving, the cows are on some of our best pasture. Good nutrition in the final months of pregnancy is important.  This nutrition aids the calves as they develop the gland systems which will serve them as they grow into future breeding stock.  The first calves will drop mid-June when the normal temperatures are not too hot or too cold.

Large, sweet strawberries

Its not my green thumb producing these large, sweet berries.  I’d like to take the opportunity to plug Ted DeLozier of Brunswick, Missouri.   We’ve purchased asparagus starts and strawberry and blackberry plants from Ted.  He provides a good product and good customer service.  Contact Ted at 613 Bonds Drive, Happy Hollow, Brunswick, Missouri 65236.

Weaning day always begins the same

The calves are being weaned today.  Weaning day always begins the same; two cups of coffee and a trip to the scales so mamas and calves can be weighed.  Upon return to the farm, they are sorted and put on their respective sides of the fence.  So simple.  This year we have some bull calves so our herd bulls will be put across the weaning pasture fence on the opposite side of the cows.

Weaning lots are planned out each year so that they can easily be incorporated into our strip grazing program.  For stress-free weaning, we want to be sure that mama cows and calves are within visiting range.  After a couple of weeks, the heifer calves will be turned in with the cows and the bull calves will run with the bulls.  With the exception of a two week weaning period and a sixty day breeding period, we only graze two herds.

Hands in the dirt

Garden planted – check.  A coworker once told me, “You just can’t wait to get your hands in the dirt”.  Its true.  I look forward to planting the garden each year.  I usually plant produce that bears a lot, such as cantaloupe.  My parents and grandparents always planted plenty to share.  That’s part of the fun of gardening.  The other fun part… sitting in the middle of the strawberry patch and flicking the stems as I eat the berries.

This year Don is trying something new.  He planted sunflowers which will support the bean plants.  Last year, some black bean and black-eyed pea vines snaked up a few sunflower stalks so Don incorporated it on purpose this year.

The idea of training bean vines up stalks isn’t new.  Native Americans planted beans, corn and squash together. It seems to be a fairly sustainable system.  Corn stalks provide a pole for the beans to climb.  Beans provide nitrogen for the corn.  Squash, of course, is also edible, and the leaves prevent moisture evaporation, shade the ground to stunt weed growth and the vines and leaves eventually become mulch.

All there is to say

My friend, Jon Angell, said all there is to say….

“By now you may have heard that the USDA has found a case of BSE in a California dairy cow. The beef supply is SAFE. Safe guards are in place to keep BSE infected cows out of the food supply and they are working… it shouldn’t be an issue. Enjoy BEEF often, I know I will!”


Looking for earthworm poo

At five o’clock Saturday afternoon I was kneeling in Dennis McDonald’s pasture looking for, and at, earthworm castings.  This was just part of a farm walk sponsored by the Green Hills Farm Project.  Interesting stuff really.  Dennis started by giving an overview of his grazing and cattle management program then he lead the group through his pastures so we could see the results.

Dennis’s pastures look super both above the surface and in the soil.  As I mentioned, we looked for earthworm activity, which there was, however he also brought out his refractometer.  The Reed canarygrass and fescue had brix readings of 21 and 11 respectively.  Twenty-one is impressive.  Don said, “You can taste the sweetness.”  Sure enough, I looked behind me and he was chewing a blade of Reed canarygrass like gum.  I can’t take him anywhere.

We moved on to the cows.  I didn’t specifically ask Dennis, however I think his herd is Red Angus and Herford cross.  These girls and their calves looked good and were very uniform in size; however what I found most interesting was their relationship to each other and their necks.  Dennis started his herd many, many years ago and held back heifers and bulls.  Every animal is related to the others in some way and Dennis raises his own bulls.  As for the cow’s necks, they had many fine wrinkles on them.  I’m a follower of Gerald Fry and Jan Bonsma and believe that those wrinkles indicate tender meat.  Someone pulled out some pH paper and tested the urine of two cows.  Both read 8.  Dennis, like everyone else, is shooting for 7.

I also found Dennis’s permaculture idea interesting.  Some of his grazing lots have no shade so he is planting Chinese chestnut trees.  Apparently these trees are ideal for Missouri’s rolling-pasture land.  The trees have been planted within the grazing layout in such a way as to provide shade and allow the cattle to graze right up next to the trees, yet not be able to rub against them or trample seedlings.  The cattle will also eat the nuts when they pop out of the burr-type shell and drop to the ground.

Of course this is just a brief overview of what was seen and discussed.  More topics included spraying milk on pastures and using a yeoman plow for improving topsoil and funneling water across pastures as opposed to letting it run into waterways.  Wild burdock was found in one of the grazing lots and some Amish folks in attendance shared about how to use it for burns and pain relief.  More interesting stuff.   I like to gather with other grazers, see their programs and hear about what they’re implementing and why.  As for Don foraging on Reed canarygrass with the cattle, I’m teasing him.  I like it when we go places together.  We each pick up on different ideas and put it all together during the ride home.  Some of the ideas we have already implemented ourselves and some are new.  One thing I plan on doing is selecting a pasture we’re trying to build up and monitor it for earthworm poo.

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