Parasite Control

We were recently contacted by an upstate South Carolina rancher about our use of Ecto-phyte and Neem oil for external parasite control. He asked what type of oil we mix with the Ecto-phyte and water, do we mix Neem oil and Ecto-phyte together, do we rotate the use of these topicals, is Neem used exclusively for lice and mite control and what mixing ratio do we use for the Neem oil spray.

My answers to him were as follows. We dissolved all natural liquid soap flakes in water and added it to the Ecto-phyte mix. Most of the time though, Don just shook the spray canister as he sprayed the cattle. We did mix the Neem oil and Ecto-phyte a few times, however now we just use the Neem for lice. If we notice a cow has hair loss due to lice, we put Neem on a disposable cloth and rub it on the affected area. This clears up the problem very quickly. We did rotate the use of these topicals, however we rarely use either now. Instead, we rely on our salt mix. As mentioned above, Neem oil is occasionally used for lice, however we did use it for flies as well by putting it on a cloth and making a swipe down the face. I couldn’t remember the mixing ratio of the Neem spray since we now douse a cloth straight out of the jug and apply it, however if we used it more often, we would mix it with water to make the oil last longer.

Now days, we mostly rely on our salt and mineral mixes for external and internal parasite control in conjunction with rotational grazing. The above topicals work until the animal sweats it off or it rains. I believe that the cattle do need access to the salt mix all the time for it to be effective though.

This rancher also asked about our mineral mix. He was adding diatomaceous earth to his mineral mix but was concerned that it would harm dung beetles, dung feeders and the fly predators that he applies to the manure piles so he asked about our experience adding diatomaceous earth to our salt mix. He also asked what role garlic powder played in our parasite control and how vinegar was administered in the mineral mix.

We use a custom salt mix that includes diatomaceous earth. Every once in a while, I scrape the top off of a manure pile and see that there are beetles/feeders in it. We seem to only have one type of dung beetle in the pasture, the dweller. The garlic is for external parasites and the sulfur of the garlic is secreted through the skin and eye fluids. The vinegar is in powder form, however I have heard from other producers that they pour vinegar directly in water tanks over a series of days.

Is this rancher’s concern about using diatomaceous earth in salt or mineral mixes unfounded? Diatomaceous earth is the fossilized remains of diatom shells. These shells are crushed and result in an abrasive, fine dust. Apparently this fine, abrasive dust pierces the bodies of internal parasites which makes them dehydrate and die. The concern is what does the dust do to the hosts internal organ linings and does the dust harm beneficial beetles living in, and off of, manure piles. If I understand correctly, diatomaceous earth comes in different grades and the lower grades can pass harmlessly through cattle. After passing through cattle or other animals, diatomaceous earth then becomes harmless to manure inhabitants. What are your thoughts? Do you use diatomaceous earth and also have a dung beetle population? If so, what type of beetle do you have? Dwellers, tunnelers or rollers? What other insects are inhabiting the manure in your pastures?

Grazing cull cattle

Tuesday evening, Don and I attended a farm walk sponsored by the Boone County SWCD. The purpose was to view, first hand, the grazing program utilized by an area cattleman and his wife. This program was fairly standard. Forty percent grazed, 30% trampled, 30% left standing, daily moves, fly control, etc. Personally, I like to see what others are doing or not doing and how well their programs are working or not working. The most interesting facet of the entire operation though, is the type of animal being grazed. This cattleman purchases thin cattle headed for slaughter, fattens them on grass, then resells them for slaughter. All the while, he uses the cattle to managing his pastures. According to his wife, this is common practice in the United States and other countries. I didn’t realize this but can see some advantages. The practice seems basic and straight forward. No money is tied up in developing genetics or marketing and advertising.

The year 2012 was plagued with drought conditions here in Missouri and grazing cattle with little investment has some real flexibility. If a rancher has to sell out, he won’t be selling the hard work put into genetic development. He might take a hit selling in the ring, however when the rains come, he can easily pick up where he left off by purchasing more thin cattle at the sale barn that show potential.

Unfortunately, an internet search for forums on fattening cull cattle for slaughter was fruitless. It would be interesting to know how widely practiced it is. We have no plans to sell our registered Red Angus and buy into slaughter cattle though. I just find the concept interesting. What are your thoughts?

One for me, one for the berry pan…

DSC_4919fbOne for me, one for the berry pan… One for me, one for the berry pan. The strawberries are coming on quickly and they are delicious. Most of the berries will be frozen so we can enjoy them throughout the year. Until they are stemmed though, the berry pan sits on the counter for anyone to partake of it’s contents. Of course the berry patch is open 24 hours a day all season for us to sate our cravings as well.

I find gardening to be a very rewarding activity and encourage readers of this blog to give it a try if you’re not already. Fair warning. Some plants, such as lettuce and spinach, are difficult to weed early on. If this frustrates you, pass on those. You might also consider starting small and increasing your garden size over time. For easier maintenance, I placed all of our permanent plants, such as berries, rhubarb and asparagus, in one area. Initial tilling of the garden for planting each new season is much easier.

Other options… Go small scale with containers. Put a tomato plant within easy reach out the back door. One year I dropped ornamental gourd seeds along a fence bordering the yard. The vines grew up the fence and I had fall decorations to share. No tilling required.

“We’ll take that one.”

About a week ago, Mason sold a bull to some folks in the Holliday area. We thought the day might end with one of our bulls being sold though. The buyers started looking at the entire group and asked if a younger one, ours, was for sell. Well, yes he was. So the three of them talked among themselves until Mason’s bull came up to sniff them. One of the buyers held out his hand and got a lick on the fingers. The buyer beside him said, “We’ll take that one.” The deal was sealed. A good disposition in an animal is a plus and we have none that are aggressive or that will run off at the first sight of us. I, personally, like to walk among the cattle once a day just to look them over. They get used to this interaction and are easy for us, and new owners, to handle.

What a productive day

What a productive day. We took action on a plan to make less work. Part of the plan is to utilize more wooded area for the cattle to graze and shelter in so today, we set t-posts through a stretch of woods and attached insulators to them. When the time comes to graze the area, we will simply string some poly wire to complete the boundary. Typically, we install some type of temporary fencing first just to make sure that the grazing patterns will flow effectively. Eventually permanent high tensile wire will be installed which means less work putting up and taking down temporary poly wire fencing and easier wooded-area maintenance.

Don’s interest in blacksmithing

For some time now, Don has had an interest in blacksmithing.  He and Mason have even made a trip to south Missouri for an overnight workshop.  It wasn’t long after returning that Don started forming the idea of making his own forge of sorts and began gathering and repurposing materials from around our farm.

DSC_4760pUsing saw horses and t-posts as a base, Don placed a sheet of roofing metal on top of it with a disk brake rotor in the center to contain the coal fire used to heat the metal being shaped.  Two inch black pipe was attached via a flange to the bottom of the rotor to channel the air to the fire and this air flow is created by an old hair dryer which has had the heating element removed.  Don even incorporated a lighting dimmer switch to control the air velocity while the dryer is on.

DSC_4768fOf course the anvils are make-shift as well.  Using a downed tree to make two waist-high support stands, Don carved out a portion in the center of each.  In one he fitted a section of road grader blade complete with a hardy hole and the other stand was fitted with a piece of railroad track.  Don continues to look for an actual anvil.

Starting off, Don has made some simple tools for campfire cooking and brackets for an improvised curtain rod.  Thanks, Honey.

Blacksmithing is an interesting craft and skill.  It brings to mind words such as durable and strong, primitive yet useful and long-lasting.  Early cultures who knew how to heat and shape iron had definite advantages over those that used stone.  Until the Industrial Revolution, blacksmiths were an intricate part of every community.  They crafted farm implements, tools, nails, barrel hoops, locks, horse shoes and hardware just to name a few items used every day.  Today, it seems to be more of an artisan avenue for making decorative ironwork.

So why did we choose these two heifers?

My only complaint about our herd bull is that he keeps producing bull calves. In the past two years, only two heifer calves have hit the ground. This scenario makes for slow replenishing within a herd so Don and I made a four hour trip to a Red Angus sanctioned sale. Before considering the trip though, we combed through the shiny sale catalog, narrowed down the prospects to nineteen and contacted the sellers with our standard questions. What type of forage are the cattle on? Have they ever had creep feed, feed supplements or grain? What type of vaccinations have they had? What is their current frame score? Are the cattle on a mineral program? Based on the answers, our prospects dropped to seven.

Don and I arrived at the sale a few hours early to get up close and personal with these girls and take a good look at them – front to back and top to bottom. Our prospects then narrowed to two bred heifers which are now doing a meet and greet across the fence from the main herd.

So why did we choose these two heifers? They have moderate frames and good dispositions. We believe they have a good glandular system and will produce adequate milk for the heifer calves they are carrying. Their body and leg structure is good. They weren’t grained to reach their current potential. And, that pretty red color is a lovely compliment to our green pastures.

Our pasture isn’t torn up and there is residual grass

We visited some folks today who rent their pasture to a local farmer. Their pasture, pictured immediately below, quickly caught my eye. The farmer runs several cow/calf pairs, grazes until the grass no longer grows enough to sustain the cattle, then feeds hay until the spring flush comes.






This next picture, which I also took today, is our pasture. We run out of grass just like the farmer mentioned above, however we rotate the cattle and unroll the bales as needed. About the only time we use a bale ring is when we are expecting a deep snow. With a rotational system and by not running more cattle than the land will support, we typically start supplementing forage in February compared to the farmer’s start time of November.






This farmer has considerable more cattle than we do which means more trampling but why not spread that trampling out and make it work for you? I really believe a rotational system is the way to manage pasture. Our pasture isn’t torn up and there is residual grass, with a root system in place, ready to shoot up with warmer temperatures. The cattle have mostly cleaned up the hay and the hay that is left will become fertilized, organic matter.

As a side note, this farmer also hauls his calves to another farm to wean them away from the mamma cows. (Gasp)

Weaning time is a prime example of low key, low cost management

The calves are coming up on ten months of age. The age at which we wean them from the mamma cows. This morning we gave them their first round of vaccinations. In two more weeks, the calves will be put in a pasture adjacent to one with the cows and in another two weeks, the calves will receive their booster shots. The weaning process will be complete.

Weaning time is a prime example of our low key, low cost management practice. After coffee and sausage this morning, we called the cows and calves up, flaked out some hay in the working area and let the group mill around while we set up a catch pen. A short alley runs between the working area and the catch chute in which the calves are allowed to walk in and out of. This makes it easier to run one calf in the chute when another exits out the front. No loud noises or chasing around the pen required. Low key.

The low cost comes in by performing the vaccinations ourselves. I would encourage anyone to practice this. I would advise studying the practice first though. Speak to and watch your veterinarian. Understand the correlation between weight and dosage. Get a feel for subdural injection as opposed to intramuscular. Know the proper storage and handling of vaccines, syringes and needles. And when that last needle is properly disposed of, give yourself a pat on the back for that do-it-yourself attitude.

Opportunity abounds

A fire started in our neighbor’s pasture which then spread to our pasture and winter hay supply. I won’t go into the messy details but will instead focus on the opportunity that has been presented. The opportunity to read up on and learn the benefits and consequences of burnt land and most importantly, how can I use it to my advantage.

First I read articles by folks describing the benefits of burning pastures on a timed schedule. Excess residue is burned away opening the canopy for new growth. Sunlight easily reaches the soil to promote seed germination. The left over ash from burnt matter provides stimulants for the new growth. Burning doesn’t necessarily harm grasses due to their deep root systems. Forbs, having a more shallow root system could be retarded though. Burning is also a way of managing woody species without the use of chemicals.

Other folks warn off burning and I’m joining the “other folks” group. Burning isn’t the only way to manage invasive plant species in pastures. Planned rotational grazing of cattle is an excellent tool. Cattle trample sprouts and use their leaves as forage. Heavily graze cattle in a specific area if you need to open up the grass canopy and promote a specific forage species. Burning off pastures can decrease soil’s water holding capacity and promote moisture loss through evaporation. Instead of burning organic matter away, rotate cattle through paddocks and let them press residue into the soil surface as they walk. This will shield the soil surface from evaporation and also protect organisms living in the soil. Organisms live off of organic matter and make more organic matter. This same organic matter then increases plant quality and growth. Sun and air temperature heat up exposed soil and drives soil life away; soil life that wasn’t already destroyed by the fire. 

Opportunity also lies in observing the recovery of the land.  What will grow back and how quickly?  What seeds in the seed bed have been waiting to emerge?  How long before soil life returns?  Opportunity abounds.


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