When you stop doing, then you stop doing. These are just a few of Grandma Clem’s words that I took to heart. I mulled them over today as I trekked back to the cattle to move them to a new grazing lot. My coat and boots were heavy, as was the reel of poly wire in my hand. Inclement weather is upon us here in Missouri and I’m not keen on doing chores in a biting wind. Hence, I thought about Grandma Clem and the inspiration of her words. I thought about my strong legs that take me to my work and my strong arms that perform the work. My winter gear that protects me. The opportunity to be outside in fresh air and about being a good steward of what is in my care. Without these things, I might find myself sitting in a chair, becoming inactive and weak, and letting quality of life slip away from me. I’d like to encourage you and other cattle folks to look positively on your winter chores and caring for livestock. Don’t just do it because you have, do it because you can. Like Grandma Clem says, when you stop doing, then you stop doing.
… a gain for ranchers…
Today I read an article about the closing of 2,000 feed lots in the United States last year. According to this article, the rising prices for young cattle, high feed costs and drought conditions in cattle country are to blame. High costs and drought conditions are old news. Its in just about every industry publication I pick up. I wasn’t aware of so many feed lot closings though. No doubt this is going to set some ranchers back and possibly hurt sale barns that broker the cattle. However, the loss of conventional ranchers may well be a gain for ranchers who raise their stock on grass. Barring several years of drought in a row, pasture land won’t be shutting down like feed lots. As for the sale barns, is there opportunity here for specialty grass-fed genetics sales? I believe that some ranchers will have to rethink their production models and will be looking for stock that doesn’t require a creep feeder at an early age.