Folks, this is just gross

Within the span of five days, the same story, from two different publications, came before me. It appears that a test tube burger has been created. Folks, this is just gross. The meat, described as grey and slippery in texture, has been grown from the stem cells of a cow and minced together with “lab-grown animal fat” to form the burger. Because the article mentions attempts at making mouse burger, I’m wondering where that animal fat is coming from. So, just what qualities does this burger have? Not taste or nutrition. One article goes on to say that “it is possible to add fatty tissue and nutrients to it, changing the taste and making it more palatable”. In other words, the meat being grown isn’t nutritious and tastes bad therefore it requires more processing. Will these nutrients also be grown in test tubes? Sarcasm implied. What’s more, is that the mostly unspecified materials used to produce future cell-grown burgers will be replaced by materials “not originating from animals”. What will these replacement materials be? Plants? Man-made substances?

The idea behind this is to feed a growing population and keep the cost of meat down. One question I have is, does the growing population really want more cheap, processed, un-nutritions food? I believe we already have it in the refrigerated meat isle and it comes in bun length.

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