Blessed in 20 seconds

Our farm truck rarely leaves the farm. Usually its only to fuel it up for use on the farm. Hence the term farm truck. Anyway, that’s why I was out and about in the burgundy beast this afternoon and this is when my blessings started stacking up.

The truck died right in front of the fuel pump, would turn over but not start. Thank goodness. I could have been stranded anywhere along the 20 mile trip. Our 16 year old was home to answer my call for help and quickly found her dad who was only a few miles away helping a neighbor plant corn. We just got a second cellular phone for the four of us to share as opposed the just one that we had been shuffling among us. As I waited for Don to call, a stranger offered help. When Don did call me, about 15 minutes later, he said, “Sounds like you ran out of diesel. Hold the accelerator down for 20 seconds as you turn the ignition.” It worked. God truly blessed me this day right down to 20 seconds of time. Any number of things could have been wrong with the old girl. Don has replaced the starter along the road at least a dozen times. I should add that God has also blessed us with a lifetime warranty on the first replacement starter.

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