Mowing and Stocking Rate

Don is mowing along fence rows and tree lines this summer. Our stocking DSC_0183blograte is too low for proper trampling. Sure, we won’t run out of grass, however with our infrastructure, it’s difficult to crowd the cattle to graze and trample near these areas. As a result, sprouts and briars have invaded. Right now, we have two, very small, groups of cattle running on roughly ninety acres. Very small meaning a total of twelve.

Speaking of stocking rate, increasing ours is a slow process. Our DSC_0169blogpreference is to run a closed herd and raise our own replacement heifers, however we’ve had very few heifer calves these past years though. Barring the price of cattle, it’s the type of cattle available for purchase that keeps us from purchasing from other Red Angus breeders. Our interest lies in small to medium frames, the ability of the animal to maintain itself on Missouri pasture and produce a calf each year. While browsing the classifieds, I only see “medium to large” frame as part of the description. The attached image is of the only heifer born in 2014; all other calves were bulls.

What’s your preferred frame size and why? Comment at

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