Just an observation.

I read few ranching and farming trade publications. Actually, read might be a little strong of a word. Skim is probably a better description. My interest in their articles is passing because they don’t often apply to our small operation. For the last two months however, I’ve noticed a change in theme. Words like managed grazing, small frame, low input and sustainable are scattered throughout the paragraphs. These words, actually management practices, aren’t new, they just seem to be appearing more often in trade magazines. These practices have worked well for us. We are seven days away from the first day of winter and still have forage for the cattle to graze. Neighbors within a few miles of us started feeding hay in late summer. One very close neighbor has tall, skinny animals trying to gain on two inch high pasture. He’ll grain them before marketing. Perhaps these neighbors read the back issues of the magazines that I mostly disregard. Just an observation.

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