Our local hardware store has substantially marked down their vegetable plants. I now own 16 tomato plants. Its a little late in the growing season, however if I can harvest $2 worth of tomatoes, I’ll be ahead.
Daily Archives: June 16, 2012
Gate handles made of wood and floating gardens
We visited Polyface Farms earlier this month. I always read Joel Salatin’s articles in the Stockman with great interest, therefore I was looking forward to touring his farm. Interesting and inspiring. Much has been said and noted about the practices at Polyface so I’ll touch on a few things I … Continue reading
Brown pastures and a win-win situation
Our green pastures are turning brown. April saw a few drops of rain, however May and June, to date, have been bone dry. Couple this with last year’s drought and it could mean hard times for mid-Missouri grazers. Don and I have done some preparing though. We are grazing more … Continue reading