Don tried something new in the garden this year. He planted fifteen sets of the three sisters. This Native American agricultural concept includes growing corn, beans and squash in a close grouping. The corn provides a support for the bean vine to climb, the beans provide nitrogen to the soil … Continue reading
Category Archives: Everyday Life
What is your favorite part about raising cattle?
I was recently asked, “What’s your favorite part about raising cattle?” My answer, “The rewards of good stewardship.” In essence, my favorite part has many parts though, because good stewardship has such a wide range. For instance the cattle maintain the land, and I’m rewarded with scenic, rolling pasture. Also, … Continue reading
When you stop doing, then you stop doing.
When you stop doing, then you stop doing. These are just a few of Grandma Clem’s words that I took to heart. I mulled them over today as I trekked back to the cattle to move them to a new grazing lot. My coat and boots were heavy, as was … Continue reading
… they did a delicious job
Don and Elizabeth put our granite canner to good use these past few weeks. The last part of July, they canned peaches and made peach butter and peach jam. The following two weeks, Don and Elizabeth made blackberry jam. I must say, they did a delicious job. We live thirty … Continue reading
I have a confession
I have a confession to make. My skills are lacking when it comes to pruning and training our blackberry plants. It seems that the brambles grow faster and faster each year. I usually end up bending them around in large loops and tying them to the trellis. You know what? … Continue reading
One for me, one for the berry pan…
One for me, one for the berry pan… One for me, one for the berry pan. The strawberries are coming on quickly and they are delicious. Most of the berries will be frozen so we can enjoy them throughout the year. Until they are stemmed though, the berry pan sits … Continue reading
Don’s interest in blacksmithing
For some time now, Don has had an interest in blacksmithing. He and Mason have even made a trip to south Missouri for an overnight workshop. It wasn’t long after returning that Don started forming the idea of making his own forge of sorts and began gathering and repurposing materials … Continue reading
Butchering season wound down this week
Butchering season wound down this past week as Don finished curing the bacon. We’ve been butchering deer and hogs each year, for several years now, and it’s a satisfying feeling to pause and reflect on what our efforts as a family have provided. What exactly has been provided? Time spent … Continue reading
Clutter. You know what I’m talking about. The stuff that tends to collect behind the shed because its no longer used or the equipment that sits in the pasture and becomes a neck scratcher for the cattle. What a waste. Someone else could be making good use of it. Well, … Continue reading
Sitting quietly, watching and listening
The sun and I have been sharing a cup of coffee on the swing for several Sunday mornings now. Over night, a light frost came to wait and join us. I enjoy this morning ritual of watching the countryside wake up. Just sitting quietly, watching and listening. The glow of … Continue reading