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Farm & Herd Program

Our management practices are straight forward - keep it simple and low stress. The summer of 2008, we began a sustainable land-use management project utilizing rotational grazing. This practice involves moving the herd through a system of paddocks, providing fresh grazing for the stock and allowing rest and regrowth of forage in the paddocks.

Exclusively grass-fed, the cattle, including calves, forage on native grasses, fescue, orchard grass, and legumes and are provided free choice minerals. Hay is provided during the winter season after stockpiled paddocks have been grazed.

We started using more natural forms of parasite control in 2009 as opposed to commercial insecticides.  This has resulted in healthier livestock and larger populations of turkeys, dung beetles, bees and butterflies in the pastures.  

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   | Call us: 573-687-3182 | Copyright 2003 - 2025
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